Shine is excited to offer AfterPay as a payment method.

AfterPay fees are significantly higher than any other payment method we offer, more than 5 times the cost/percentage of regular EFTPOS fees!

Part of our agreement with AfterPay states that we cannot pass these fees on as a surcharge, as you may have seen some businesses do with other payment methods fees. This adds significantly to the cost structure of a small business; therefore, we have had to carefully consider how we can offer this service to you.

We welcome you to use AfterPay, however, if you wish to use AfterPay, please ask us for a quote as the price of your service may change.

AfterPay is ONLY available under the following terms and conditions:

  • On total spends above $200 (including products).

  • Pre-approval from AfterPay is required before the service begins.

  • We reserve the right to change the price of the service or decline AfterPay if it is requested after the service has begun.

  • Services will be charged on the full list price for each service provided. This means the total cost may be higher than previously.

  • An example: Normally, some items of your services may be absorbed by other items of your service, if you have half a head of foils and we apply two toners, we will often quote for only one or absorb the cost of some additional services provided, not charging each item separately.

  • We will do our best to provide our most accurate quote possible for the service before we begin, however, if additional work or product is required to achieve the desired result the cost may change accordingly.

  • We will advise you if additional steps are required so that you have the option of whether to proceed, if you choose to proceed this will cause a variation to the original quote.

  • AfterPay cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers, discounts or promotions.

  • Any refunds required from a transaction which was processed via AfterPay must be processed through AfterPay. If a refund is required, we can guide you through this process however the refund is subject to AfterPay timeframes, fees, terms and conditions.

Happy Hair from the team at Shine.